Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Catch up

6 months later, here I am again!   We've been renovating the studio (purple walls!),  SUPER busy with classes too!   This week is our monthly Pole Party!   Come check out all the changes we've made!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Wow, its been a while!  I've had a lot going on with renovating the studio, but now I'm back!   We just had Monika Deviat come to Prince George from Calgary to do a photoshoot!   It was LOTS of fun, and she did an amazing job with all the girls.
We are in week 24 of 2011 and, for the first time, I am ahead of schedule with my goals and have 25 new moves since New Years!    I'm pretty proud of myself, to be honest.

Fyi, the dogs in the photo (by Monika) are mine.  The chihuahua is 3 years old, and her name is Nikki, the min pin is 6 years old (almost) and her name is Skittles. 


Wednesday, 27 April 2011


I got another new move!  YAY!  Its called an Embrace and it HURTS!   I had to take out my belly piercing, and my elbows now look like I've been sticking needles in them (not pretty).  But I'm still proud of myself :).  
That's another move crossed off the list of 52 moves to learn in 2011.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


The Arts & Fitness Fundraiser was amazing!!!   We had approximately 145 people there, the performances were incredible, the bench press section was bigger than expected and lots of fun, and the Silent Auction was beautiful!

I'm still adding up all the totals to see what kind of cheque we can give Elizabeth Fry, but it looks like it will be "pretty not bad".

So now what?   Now I go back to teaching and planning the next 2 shows.    Traditionally we put on a Competition every fall, and it loos like October 1 is what is available.   We've done 3 competitions before, so this year will be the 4th Annual Spinning Angels Pole Fitness Competition.     Its going to be quite different from previous shows, but, as always, much much better as well.

Classes are in full swing still, new classes starting all the time, its very busy, but I enjoy it all. 

A BIG thank you to everybody who participated in the show, they were all a HUGE help and made it the success it was, and another BIG thank you to everybody who attended and showed their support for Debbie Plowman, and PG Elizabeth Fry Society.

Angel Stewart
Spinning Angels Pole Fitness

Friday, 1 April 2011

Arts & Fitness Fundraiser

Just a quick post.   If you want any information on the fundraiser happening next Saturday, check out our webpage  and click on the poster on the home page!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


I had a really good Pole Fit class tonight!  Pole Fit is different from my Pole Dance classes.  In pole fit we do exercises to train for pole dancing.     Tonight I had one student lunge the length of the studio floor, pick up a folded piece of paper, and lumge back and read the exercise that was on the paper.  While she was doing this everybody else was doing what I call "skiing".   (step your right leg behind the other towards the left while your right hand touches the floor on the baby toe side of your left foot, repeat on the other side and keep going back and forth)

We did fish flops (, reverse crunches, and a whole bunch of other pole-related moves, and exercises that help with pole dance.  

ARTS & FITNESS FUNDRAISER is in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!  Only 2 more rehearsals.   Holy Smokes I can't wait!!!!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Crunch Time!

3 more weeks till the Arts & Fitness Fundraiser!   This is a show I have been rehearsing for and working on since last November!   We are raising money for PG Elizabeth Fry Society and a pole dancer name Debbie Plowman. 
     I'm very excited about this show, its going to be our best one ever!   We have 25 performers, 11 pole performances, 1 fire poi performance, and 1 Bench press competition!   Silent Auction, 50/50 tickets, door prizes, I'm so excited!
    We had rehearsal tonight, and it was really good, not a great turnout (9 out of 22 showed), but it went well nonetheless.     Saturday rehearsals usually have a better turnout anyway.   I'm pretty confident this show will be a sell-out since I've got twice as much advertising than I've ever had before (radio, newspaper, posters, FaceBook, website etc).   Its going to be such an incredible show!  Our theme is movies, so we start with a group choreography to "Footloose" then we have several solos, duets, and trios to songs like "Space Jam", "Pretty Woman", "Burlesque", and closing with another group number to "Men in Black"
    The bench press competition will be pretty epic too!  We have a bench and weights and we are starting with 135lbs.   Audience members will come up and see who can do the most reps in 1 minute.  Then the top 3 will go to the final round to see who can do the heaviest single lift (with good form), lb for lb!!!

    And finally our very own Joel will be doing another amazing fire poi performance!

Check out my youtube channel and watch any vids with Competition 2010 in the title to see what our last show was like.   Now times the awesomeness by 100, and that's how much better this next show will be!