Se here it is, my very first blog. I'm not much for posting personal things on Facebook, I don't Twitter, and I probably won't post much personal stuff here either. This blog will be a record of my journey of 2011. I'll record goals I've set and acquired, talk about shows that are upcoming and everything that goes with that, successes, new ideas, and anything else I can think of. So here it is:
As of new years I made a list of 52 goals I would like to accomplish in 2011. The idea being that I accomplish 1 goal each week. Everything on the list is either a pole trick, or a flexibility goal. I am also in the midst of putting together a fundraiser called The Arts & Fitness Fundraiser on April 9. We've been practicing at least twice a week over and above my classes, and personal practice time as well. It definitely keeps me busy.
So far I've accomplished only 4 items on my goals list. A pole move Erin, one of my bestest pole buddies, and I call the Space Kaboom, another move we call the Space Kaboom part 2, an Eensy Wincy Spider, and a Falling Star. I have however, accomplished 3 other moves that are not on my list, so, in a way, I've still gotten 7 new moves in 7 weeks.
I can't show you what these moves look like quite yet, since they are a surprise that will be revealed at the Arts & Fitness Fundraiser. But, trust me, they are AWESOME!
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